martes, 31 de octubre de 2017


Gata desaparecida en el Valle del Aragón.

Por Gundhramn Hammer
31 de octubre de 2017

La gatita mostrada en la foto arriba desapareció misteriosamente el día 12 de agosto de 2017 en Villanúa, provincia de Huesca, en España. A la gata le permitían salir de vez en cuando a dar un paseo por los alrededores de la urbanización ubicada en las afueras del pueblo, pues ella vivía dentro de casa con su propietaria. Pero la gata siempre volvía a casa. Excepto el día de su desaparición. Su búsqueda ha sido infructuosa. 

No hay rastros de ella, ni viva ni muerta. Como por arte de magia, esta querida mascota se esfumó de la faz de la Tierra.

Aunque se barajean varias hipótesis con respecto a su desaparición, se sospecha que la gata ha sido víctima de practicantes de brujería en la zona. 

Pero también se teme que la gata haya caído en manos de mafiosos para venderla en el mercado negro de peleas de perros clandestinas

Hay recientes reportes de esta cruel actividad en Jaca (Video 1). 

Video 1. Capturados por organizar peleas de perros en Jaca (Huesca, España). Uploaded by

Los criminales que se dedican a este cruel negocio clandestino utilizan gatos y perros usualmente robados o criados para este propósito para entrenar a sus perros de pelea. Se trata de un negocio de apuestas clandestinas que mueve y blanquea mucho dinero.

En cuanto al mundo de la magia, según la tradición pagana, hoy 31 de octubre es la noche de "halloween (Víspera de Todos los Santos). Es la famosa "noche de las brujas"

En pleno siglo XXI, hay gente que pertenece a circulos de brujería, paganismo o satanismo. Los adeptos llevan a cabo ritos que van desde la magia blanca suave hasta la más dura magia negra, en la cual torturan y sacrifican animales y niños clandestinamente y practican canibalismo. 

Generalmente la mayoría de gente asume que estas prácticas son cosas del pasado (e.g., el canibalismo; Noble, 2011; Price, 2003). Sin embargo, aún existen en el presente. De hecho, por ejemplo, el neopaganismo o paganismo moderno es una de las religiones de más rápido crecimiento en los Estados Unidos, de acuerdo a Strmiska (2005).

Y la noche de Halloween tiene un gran significado para los que practican el paganismo. Se suelen reunir para celebrarla de acuerdo a sus respectivas costumbres y reglas. 

Pero según los entendidos en la materia, a lo largo del año también hay días propicios para la magia, tales como los viernes y sábados y los días de Luna Llena, durante la noche (12: 00 PM/24:00 h).

Por lo tanto, hoy, mañana y después !alerta con vuestras mascotas y vuestros niños!


Noble L. (2011). Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture. Early Modern Cultural Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, USA. 241 pp.

Price M.L. (2003). Consuming Passions: The Uses of Cannibalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Studies in Medieval History and Culture Volume 20. Routledge, London, UK. 168 pp.  

Strmiska M.F. (2005). Modern paganism in world cultures: Comparative perspectives. In: Pp: 1-54, Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, Strmiska M.F. (Ed.), ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. 382 pp.

domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017


Bombas con gas mostaza. Fuente: Reportaje del periodista Manolo Alvarez. Video uploaded by Oliver Solis.

Por Gundhramn Hammer
29 de octubre de 2017

Hay reporteros que tienen cojones. Uno de ellos es el periodista panameño Manolo Alvarez Cedeño. A continuación está su valiente reportaje sobre los experimentos militares llevados a por el gobierno gringo en la Isla San José (Archipiélago de las Perlas, costa del Pacífico, Panamá) en 1943 (Video 1):

Video 1. Armas de destrucción masiva abandonadas en la Isla San José (Panamá). Uploaded by Oliver Solis.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017


Drawn by Gordon Nye. Source: Watson´s Magazine, October 1906, Vol 5 (4): 512.

By Gundhramn Hammer
October 25, 2017

What you have just read above on the Gordon Nye´s cartoon is what John D. Rockefeller, Jr., the Standard Oil heir, delivered before a YMCA crowd at his alma mater, Brown University. His speech was entitled: "Christianity in business" (Heald, 2005: 41). 

After having killed off his competitors, he knew fucking well what he was talking about.

So much for rockefellerian christianity.


Heald M. (2005). The Social Responsibilities of Business: Company and Community, 1900-1960. With a new introduction by the author. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. 339 pp.

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017


Source: Beautiful World.

By Gundhramn Hammer
October 23, 2017

The power of music can be inspiring, moving, exhilarating, uplifting, soothing, stimulating, exciting, thrilling, invigorating, manipulating, brainwashing, inciting, depressing, tormenting, excruciating and painfully lethal. And even much more than this. 

Music can make you happy, sad or mad. It can stretch your joy to infinity or make your sorrow unbearable. It can send you spinning into a sweet dream too. All depends on the memories you keep associated to it.

Some people use music as a bridge to feel closer to their loved ones who are already gone. Others use it as a silence or boredom breaker. 

Also, its magic can get you in touch with God. 

It´s got a seal, a soul, a hook, loneliness, sadness, companionship, emptiness or blissfulness. It can make you stand still happy on one spot forever. It can also send you to hell.

We fully understand all of these facts. This is why we approach it carefully, with our hearts fully open but quite awake. Totally conscious. 

However, life is music.

No matter what, overall life is a sweet melody. Although hunger, coldness, misery, heart breaks, downfalls, failures, deaths, wrong timings, amongst other life events, can make it somewhat or quite bitter, and then when down perhaps an empathic hand is extended towards you in time of need to make you come out of a pit, despite this if we can fully understand and integrate our own experiences with the child we all carry inside, we can surely turn it into a beautiful and transparent sojourn out of this world. Obviously not all of it can be moulded to our liking or whims, but in many ways we can choose what we can make of it.  

The world is full of magic!!

Forever is now!!! Seize it!!

From this standpoint we bring you a famous song from the 1980s to get you out of your "island". So let you mind fly and allow your heart explode in joyfulness!!

Here it is the song (Video 1):

Video 1. Don´t Aswer Me - The Alan Parsons Project. Uploaded by Augusto Octaviojes.

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017


Grupo Pini: Procesadora de carne Pini Polonia (Polonia). Fuente: YouTube.

Por Gundhramn Hammer, PhD, JSD
21 de octubre de 2017

Hay cosas que son cosas de las cosas de aquellas cosas que no son cosas de las que deberían ser consideradas cuando se montan cosas para matar animales que no son cosas (Fig. 1).

Figura 1. Porcinofagia humana:  cabeza de cerdo (Suidae: Sus scrofa domestica). Fuente: Dreamstime.

Así, los mataderos de animales domésticos son una de esas cosas que sirven de cosa no sólo para otras cosas que no son cosas de las que los políticos deberían hablar cuando hacen sus cosas para sus cosas, sino tambien son una cosa que en estos tiempos ya no son cosas que son ecológicamente cuerdas cosas, pues habitamos un planeta de recursos finitos.

Averigua más sobre la nueva cosa que montarán en Binéfar (Huesca, España): Un nuevo matadero. Pinchar aquí.


Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramn Hammer & Yudit E. Ruiz Sánchez
October 21, 2017

"What is important in life is not what you do in life 
but what you become in life with what you do in life. 
Let what you do in life 
be part of what you should become in life: 
A kind human being."

- What´s your life for?
Gundhramn Hammer (2017) 
Gundhramns Hammer´s Philosophia (2017)

When it comes to money, most people just can´t get enough. They always want more and more. Money madness (Goldberg & Lewis, 1978) has grabbed their hearts.

Greediness is perhaps one of the most common diseases that attacks humans, anywhere, anytime. 

Today, even aboriginal people living deep in the jungles suffer from this disease. How? They have become addicted to the convenience of using petro-fuel for the motors on their canoes instead of sweating their butts rowing to get somewhere, for example. They also prefer steel machetes and bullets for their guns instead of stone tools and bows and arrows. Sugar, soap, salt, cookies, cooking oil, glyphosated grains and cereals and other modern commodities are now part of their lives.

Obviously, to get the modern conveniences, aborigines must have cash, gold dust or nuggets, anything that has a high market value outside their forested world. They have come up with many ways to obtain cash to buy things (e.g., guns and ammunition, sugar, soap, fuel, etc.) from the "civilised" world, for instance through contraband, human and arms trafficking, human meat trafficking, dancing for unsustainable tourists, prostitution, camelling for mafiosi (smugglers, guerrillas, narco-militaries, narco-businesmen, narco-entrepreneurs, narco-politicians, etc.), narco-trafficking, bush-meat trading, timber smuggling, illegal sawmilling, clandestine mining, leaving home to get temporary low-paying jobs in plantations or cattle farms, etc.

In "developed nations", the vast majority of people is under the grip of this illness. Many people are greedy up to the gills. 

Thus, in the concrete jungles around the world, there is an insane bunch of globalists that have more money than what they will ever need in a thousand lives. 

Since most people can be bought, in these car- and industry-infested and polluted man-made habitats, i.e., cities, you can also find some crooked lawyers who have really gone mad about money, for example in Canada (see Slayton, 2007).

People from "developing nations" are also suffering from greediness. 

For more information about this sickness that makes people go bananas about money and find out who is deeply suffering from it around the world, please go here

Now the big question: How are you doing on this? Are you übergrossly money bitten? 

Something to think about

Mon Capitaine, is money a tool or is man a tool of this tool?

Money is a tool to buy real necessities to keep yourself alive, mon ami. But when you become the tool of this tool to the extent that you have no room for anything else but being tooled by this tool, then you are nothing but a tool of this tool, hopelessly obsessed with the tool of all tools.

If so, mon ami, don´t go crying around asking or hoping for a radical change for the better in this world. 

You must change this within you to change that outside you.

Being a rotten and greedy human is easy, mon ami. We already have too many of these assholes running around. "What is important in life is not what you do in life but what you become in life with what you do in life. Let what you do in life be part of what you should become in life: A kind human being" (Gundhramn Hammer, 2017).


Hammer G. (2017). What´s your life for? Gundhramns Hammmer´s Philosophia Blog. October 21, 2017.

Morgan H. & Lewis R.T. (1978). Money Madness: The Psychology of Saving, Spending and Hating Money. William Morrow & Company, Inc., New York, NY, USA. 265 pp.

Slayton P. (2007). Lawyers Gone Bad: Money, Sex and Madness in Canada´s Legal Profession. Penguin Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada. 294 pp.