By Gundhramns Hammer
February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
China´s so-called "economic miracle" is no miracle. It is nothing but debt to Western banks.
The Red Dragon´s “total debt has nearly quadrupled, rising from $28 trillion by mid-2014, from $7 trillion in 2007”, according to a report by McKinsey & Company (2015).
Undoubtedly, the construction of the high-speed rail shown by the video above is part of this debt.
Although we have put the video on our blog, we must point out that we have no admiration for such projects.
Since the evidence around the world shows clearly that "economic development" also implies and brings with it screwing up of the environment, for there is not such a thing as "sustainable development", by following the environmentally contaminating Western´s industrial steps, China has also fallen deeply into this trap.
So, in human terms and environmentally speaking, the Red Dragon is fucked up like everyone else on the planet.
The Red Dragon´s “total debt has nearly quadrupled, rising from $28 trillion by mid-2014, from $7 trillion in 2007”, according to a report by McKinsey & Company (2015).
Undoubtedly, the construction of the high-speed rail shown by the video above is part of this debt.
Although we have put the video on our blog, we must point out that we have no admiration for such projects.
Since the evidence around the world shows clearly that "economic development" also implies and brings with it screwing up of the environment, for there is not such a thing as "sustainable development", by following the environmentally contaminating Western´s industrial steps, China has also fallen deeply into this trap.
So, in human terms and environmentally speaking, the Red Dragon is fucked up like everyone else on the planet.
un estado chino al servicio de sus ciudadanos , no al servicio y explotaciòn de ellos para el beneficio de empresas interncionales que sòlo trabajan por el lucro sin importar a quienes benefician o perjudican.Un estado respaldado por una mayorìa ciudadana que se sacrifica en beneficio de todos ,no en el de una casta minoritaria , privilegiada e inconsciente.China que otrora fuera un brillante imperio resurgiò,para beneficios de los pobres de la humanidad , como un ave fenix salvadora con enormes industrias productoras de bienes y servicio a bajo costo que benefician desde hace dècadas al tercer mundo sin invadir, asesinar o corromper, y ha derrotado pacificamente a un occidente neolibaral con una economìa basada en el lucro y explotaciòn de paises emergentes..