jueves, 28 de enero de 2016


Source: WallpapersCraft.

By Gundhramns Hammer
January 28, 2016

Nobody knows for sure how they got started. Some people say that it was the Bush that started talking to the Moon. There are also those who say it was the other way around, that the Moon got talking to the Bush first.

It does not matter how they got on the talking track. What matters is that they had many things in common. They had a lot to talk about, especially on finding ways of putting their own order on what they considered it was disordered in need of having a new order according to an alien order.

This is how the Bush-Moon alliance came about.

Money was no problem at all to come up with different ways to set up their order. 

Besides they have gotten orders on how to install this order.

Experts say that both, the Bush and the Moon, and whoever else is part of their club behind the new world order, must obey these alien orders, otherwise they all could end up lifeless, buried underground in total disorder.

Do you want to find out a little bit of what is going on behind their planned order as they follow the hidden masters´ orders

If so, read the the following story: Click here.

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