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Spraying pesticides. Source: Wikipedia. |
By Gundhramn Hammer
July 31, 2019
When exactly he did it is not known. We can only guess. But the day man (Primates: Homo sapiens) invented fire, right then and there he stopped being sustainable.
He soon started using fire to change and shape the environment to his own advantage. For example in Australia.
Thus he began his long story of screwing up Mother Nature.
So much so that today he has become a master at destroying his own nest. His crap is all over the planet.
Recently, he has come up with another invention. This time he put to work his language skills and came up with the word "sustainability".
This word - sustainability - comes in handy to many a pleople. It can mean many things to different people though.
It can be used in multiple ways, from an excuse to get money from foundations to do things without foundations, for example, all the way up to cleverly hide environmental damage behind piles of paper that amount to nothing in the real world.
We must never forget that oligarchs with tonnes of money can and do make a lot of pleople dance for them.
A lot of things can be said about sustainability. Also, a lot of people are now talking about sustainability without ever being sustainable.
But very few will tell you that sustainability is a farce.
Here is a good example: Europe´s billions in unsustainable farming (Videos 1-2):
Video 1. Billions for European farms. Uploaded by DW Documentary.
Video 2. Cosechar dinero en Europa. Uploaded by DW Documental.