miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2017


Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramn Hammer
December 27, 2017

There was dimension in the tension. Also aprehension. Enthu, the captain spoke. Ladies and gentleman, this is the captain speaking to you. Welcome aboard. Please fasten your seat belts. We are ready to take off. Enjoy your trip!

Following the usual sequence in his neural circuitry, the captain thought to himself: One! Two! Three!... Until five. But nothing happened. The damn thing did not take off. Another counting of five came by and the same thing. Nothing. He insisted, but nothing occurred, not even an fart. 

Then, following a route that would cause the least tension in this human situation, the silence of the loudspeakers was broken once more by a male voice, saying: This is the captain again, he said. I am sorry to tell you that we are going to be delayed, for our jumbo doesn´t want to take off. He´s pissed off. We recommend you to get off and get ready to wait until 2018. Maybe 2019. Perhaps 2020. Fuck, no one knows!! (Video 1).

Video 1. Berlin´s Brandenburg white jumbo. Uploaded by DW English.

What the hell happened? Was it corrosion?

As far as to what happened, it was and still is development undeveloped by people who want to overdevelop their pockets. 

Regarding corrosion, it appears there was none. It has to do with corruption. Fucking corruption has eaten its guts!

This is why Germany´s white jumbo has not been able to take off. It´s got corrupted guts.

Mon dieu, mon Capitaine! It looks like it is a matter of some legality and illegality tangled up sucking the suckers!

Yeap, mon ami.

In the meantime, someone is getting richer. Including the mafia.

At least they should have warned the public, with a sign saying something like this:  
  • Warning! Crapped naked monkeys crapping! 
That´s all for now, folks!

See you later, alligators!

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