lunes, 29 de junio de 2015


Laniakea. Source: Evolución y Ambiente.

Source: nature

Superclusters – regions of space that are densely packed with galaxies – are the biggest structures in the Universe. But scientists have struggled to define exactly where one supercluster ends and another begins. Now, a team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique that maps the Universe according to the flow of galaxies across space. Redrawing the boundaries of the cosmic map, they redefine our home supercluster and name it Laniakea, which means ‘immeasurable heaven’ in Hawaiian. [Video 1]

Video 1. Laniakea: Our home supercluster. Uploaded by nature video.


Source: EPP Group.

By Gundhramns Hammer
June 29, 2015

Mon Capitaine, I have an interesting question for you. I am sure you know the answer for it.

Here it goes!

What in the fuck do particle physicists and the global oligarchy have in common?

Scientists have particle accelerators to “make and study new particles”, mon ami.

On the other hand, the global oligarchy with the help of the armies of the mafia has its own buck accelerators.

Mon ami, tax havens really are the global oligarchy´s buck accelerators to create money.

But the buck accelerators create money instead of particles.

Money not from smashing money against money to make new money but from smashing people´s heads with drugs to create new money from under the universe of superstringed money, mon ami.


domingo, 28 de junio de 2015


Source: Pax on both houses.

Source: WarZalez via YouTube

This 80-minute documentary focuses on the growing "wealth gap" in America, as seen through the eyes of filmmaker Jamie Johnson, a 27-year-old heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune. Johnson, who cut his film teeth at NYU and made the Emmy®-nominated 2003 HBO documentary Born Rich, here sets his sights on exploring the political, moral and emotional rationale that enables a tiny percentage of Americans - the one percent - to control nearly half the wealth of the entire United States. The film Includes interviews with Nicole Buffett, Bill Gates Sr., Adnan Khashoggi, Milton Friedman, Robert Reich, Ralph Nader and other luminaries. [Video 1]

Video 1. The One Percent. Uploaded by WarZalez.



Fuente: La Caja de Pandora

Montserrat, es un enclave mágico por excelencia conocido desde antaño. Historias sobre OVNIS, apariciones y desapariciones, gigantes que habitan en piedra y puertas dimensionales llegan hasta nosotros de diversas fuentes hablando de la montaña . El padre Don Píus Ramón Tragan, director del museo situado en dicho enclave, nos relata parte de la historia guardada en sus muros. Esta queda reflejada en la curiosa colección arqueológica que alberga su museo, recopilada por el padre Ubach mostrándonos una perspectiva diferente a la que conocemos habitualmente. [Video 1]

 Video 1. Monserrat: puerta dimensional por Ricardo Bru. Uploaded by La Caja de Pandora.


Fuente: Taringa!

Por Gundhramns Hammer
28 de junio de 2015

Parece que los multimillonarios están empeñados en vivir eternamente para seguir jodiendo la Biosfera con su chupopterismo empedernido y su puto enfermizo capricho de controlar las granjas de ganado humano en la Tierra. 

Un empresario ruso ha salido con un ambicioso proyecto de construir avatares para los superricos (Video 1):

Video 1. Proyecto Avatar para los multimillonarios. Uploaded by RazaDesconocida.

Mon Capitaine, ¿qué opináis vos acerca de este descabellado proyecto avatariensis?

Más parece un proyecto para lavar dinero que otra cosa, pues en ese mundo donde multimillonarios y mafiosos se entrecruzan, copulan y funden de miles de maneras, dos más dos siempre suman cinco. Incluso más, mon ami

En cuyo caso estaríamos hablando de un narco-avatar, ¿no te parece, mon ami?



Ready for it? Source: First We Feast.

By Gundhramns Hammer
June 28, 2015

We humans live in a planet full of bacteria & Co. It is a scientific fact.

As a matter of fact, despite our fucking mumbo jumbo that we are the "owners" of the Earth, at least that is what we pretend and we do take it so seriously that we are fucking it up, for we are Earthfuckers, the truth of the matter is that in a sense our home planet belongs to bacteria

There are more bacteria than humans on this planet. 

Our own bodies are full of bacteria. Our intestinal microbiota which can make us or doom us, depending on how we treat it with what we throw into ourselves

So it is not surprising that what we eat is not only food for ourselves but also food for tiny creatures that thrive on it.

The amazing thing is that we are constantly being invaded by dangerous bacteria when we eat and still survive a number of years under the Sun to screw around and fart around, behaving like assholes against Mother Nature (Video 1).

Video 1. Humans behaving like assholes in Sumatra. Uploaded by Coconuts TV.

But sometimes our marvelous immune system, which we usually treat like shit by our fucking insane habits (Video 2), cannot fight effectively the dangerous bacteria we consume riding on our food and as a result we get sick or may even kick the bucket. The latter gives Nature a real break, don´t you think so?

Video 2. Insanity at the table in Germany. Uploaded by Furious Pete.

And to make things worse, our insane industrial system does not help either.

Take chickens, for instance. We raise chickens - really torture them in concentration camps (Video 3) - one on top of the other on carpets of shit

Video 3. Chickens in concentration camps. Uploaded by Compassion in World Farming.

So how in the fuck do you expect chicken meat not to have shit by the time you hit it at the table?

All over the world, our industrial factory farms, hatcheries (Video 4) and slaughtering plants (Video 5) are fucking hells full of shit.

Video 4. Cruel modern hatchery. Uploaded by reallyabovetopsecret.

Video 5. Slaughtering hell on Chile. Uploaded by Christopher Figueroa Lecaros.

Here is one good example full of pain, cruelty and shit: Canada´s factory farms (Video 6):

Video 6. Heartless: Inside Canada´s factory farms. Uploaded by merciforanimals.

So how in the fuck do you expect meat not to be loaded with shit?

The truth is that meat is loaded with shit.

In Ireland, for example, meats (turkey, duck, chicken, pork, lamb, beef) are contaminated with Salmonella!

If you don´t believe so, go ahead and read the following surveillance Salmonella report done by Duggan et al. (2012). Click here.

Although "fruit and vegetables are sources of some human salmonellosis cases they are not regarded as contributing significantly to the burden of infection", according to Duggan et al. (2012).

But there is some evidence that when fruits and vegetables are grown using human biosolids, i.e. composted human shit, where viral pathogens can persist, besides containing high levels of lead, mercury and arsenic, they may be a source of human disease (pneumonia, hepatitis, encephalitis) (Video 7).

Video 7. You don´t know shit (Vice report). Uploaded by Vice.

In a nutshell, eating meat can make you ill or kill you. You are much safer by sticking to the veggie eating realm.

Anyway, no matter what, mon Capitaine, nowadays we are full of shit, aren´t we!

Oui, mon ami. Up to the brim.

This is what experts call "high quality of life" in modern times, mon ami.

More exactly: High quality crap!



Duggan S., Jordan E., Gutierrez M., Barret G., O´Brien T., Hand D., Kenny K., Fanning J., Leonard N. & Egan J. (2012). Salmonella in meats, water, fruit and vegetables as disclosed from testing undertaken by Food Business Operators in Ireland from 2005 to 2009. Irish Vet. J., 65: 1-7.


sábado, 27 de junio de 2015


Source: Pinterest.

By Gundhramns Hammer 
June 27, 2015

In the web of life, to make more DNA it takes more DNA and through eons of time DNA has come up with many ways to make more DNA.

Even though dancing may look like it does not have anything to do with DNA making, nevertheless in the end it is indeed connected to making more DNA.

In birds, dancing is used during courtship to make more DNA for the gene pool (Videos 1-2).

Video 1. The dancing grebes. Uploaded by heavenshield.

Video 2. Dancing grebes. Uploaded by bjirnpdx.

How about in humans?

Dancing in human adults may be a way of showing off reproductive fitness to the opposite sex for fun, entertaintment and/or courstship or a way of exciting and getting the body´s reproductive machinery ready for action which eventually may lead to wasting DNA somewhere along the screwing line or making more DNA to contribute to the DNA pool along the timeline (Video 3).

Video 3. Circassian Noble dancing (Adyghe work' k'afa): 'Kabardinka' ensemble. Uploaded by Zuhia Land.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2015


Uploaded by bearajam Adiga.


Uploaded by martaklo gil.


Trilateral Commission logo. Source: Jericho777.

By Gundhramns Hammer
June 25, 2015

According to Wikipedia (2015) the Trilateral Commission "is a non-governmental, non-partisan discussion group founded by David Rockefeller in July 1973, to foster closer cooperation among North America, Western Europe, and Japan."

It sounds good, doesn´t it?

But can something be good coming from those that only want their own good? 

Anyway, here is the list of the members of the Trilateral Commission as of April 2015: Click here.

You should also know that the Trilateral Commission along with the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg Group form a power triangle in control of grand part of the global economy one way or another obeying orders of others that are more powerful that the ones that take the orders.

To see this power triangle: Click here and here.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2015


Source: What is life? YouTube.

Text source: The University of Arizona
View original

Throughout history, our definition of 'life' reflects our assumptions about how the Universe works – and why we ask the question. The ways different human cultures, ancient and current, have talked about life provide some sense of how we have defined life, and illustrate the aspects of life that fascinate us. Many cultures used life as an analog to explain the movement of winds and currents, or the motions of the planets. Today we use those mechanical systems as analogs for life. Ultimately, we may not really know what life is until we have discovered more than one independent example of it on places other than Earth – we need many diverse examples before we can generalize. But without a definition of what we're looking for, and why we're looking, we may have a hard time recognizing life when we find it.[Video 1]

Video 1. What is life. Uploaded by The University of Arizona.


Mujer extraterrestre y su perro cachondo de paseo. Cartoon by Gundhramns Hammer.

Por Gundhramns Hammer & EBE Hunter
21 de junio de 2015

¡Están aquí! Van y vienen donde les conviene. Llegan donde mucha gente se entretiene con cosas, juegos y fiestas impuestas por quienes tienen más de lo que la mayoría de gente no tiene.

Las ciudades de España no son la excepción. Por ejemplo, Jaca, como en otras ciudades turísticas donde gente de mil mundos va y viene para los que les conviene, en ciertas épocas del año está plagada de alienígenas (ETs, extraterrestres) en forma humana y nadie se entera cuando van y vienen. 

Además, a nadie le interesa que se sepa para que nadie que no es de su cepa quepa donde sólo ellos quieren a quien quepa en su cepa.

La infiltración de ETs (Video 1) no es nada nuevo excepto que hoy en día se ha convertido en un fenómeno global. 

Video 1. Ex ministro de Canadá afirma existencia de ETs. Uploaded by Javier Torres.

Es parte de un programa secreto, bien montado por parte de los aliens para estudiar, secuestrar, experimentar, torturar (Videos 2-3) o consumir humanos (Video 4) a su antojo con la venia de las autoridades de mayor rango alrededor del mundo porque a éstos les conviene.

Video 2. Reptilianos torturan humanos. Parte 1. Uploaded by Mensajeros delAlba.

Video 3. Reptilianos torturan humanos. Parte 2. Uploaded by Mensajeros delAlba.

Video 4. Reptilianos comen humanos. Uploaded by DJ DVincci.

Estamos hablando de un ANWO (Alien New World Order), un Nuevo Orden Mundial Alienígena, i.e. controlado no por humanos sino por extraterrestres o híbridos ET-Humanos. 

A cambio la oligarquía global recibe tecnología alienígena, la que les convenga a los aliens. Es bien sabido que luego esta tecnología ET es incorporada poco a poco en múltiples industrias cuyos atractivos productos vuelven adictos a los consumidores. 

Al final estos productos de diversos tipos incluyendo electrónicos son desechados y acaban en la basura (Video 5), lo cual, además de joder la salud de los humanos, está dañando drásticamente la Biosfera de la Tierra.

Video 5. Ghana: un vertedero de residuos tóxicos. Uploaded by moldredclovis.

En general, de acuerdo a los expertos, los extraterrestres infiltrados entre los humanos prefieren tomar forma de:

  • viejos de ambos sexos subrepticiosos,
  • jóvenes seductores y violadores a la chita callando, 
  • oligarcas pervertidos y ladrones, 
  • políticos y autoridades sin ética cuando les conviene,
  • mafiosos y narcos poderosos, 
  • traficantes de humanos y bushmeat,
  • cazadores sanguinarios,
  • científicos psicópatas asolapados,
  • banqueros y prestamistas sin alma para su género, 
  • marineros lascivos esparcidores de su ADN,
  • hombres y mujeres de tamaño extralarge pederastas, 
  • mujeres atractivas y seductoras que sumergen a los hombres en oscuridades sexuales primigenias que los atrapan para siempre en un torbellino de burbujas eróticas, lleno de satanismo y locura,
  • pisones de animales (individuos zoofílicos),
  • toreros y narcotoreros,
  • etc.

La tarea de distinguir a los ETs infiltrados de los auténticos humanos es trabajo de expertos

Así es que NO recomendamos a nadie que vaya por el vecindario intentando saber quién es quién aunque ese quien que tú puedes tener a tu lado en el parque, por ejemplo, no es cualquier quien sino un quien que no es quien pero va de quien entre quienes son quien en el mundo de los quienes.

En Jaca, por ejemplo, hemos detectado unos cuantos alienígenas en forma de humanos en épocas cuando mucha gente va y viene, especialmente en el verano.


sábado, 20 de junio de 2015


Warning! Graphic images!

War is hell: Moments of death. Uploaded by Bacho Arabuli.


Cartoon by Gundhramns Hammer.

By Gundhramns Hammer
June 20, 2015

Warning! Not suitable for delicate folks! 

It happened one summer. It happened not just one time. It really happened more than one time.

It happened for a long time. It happened forever. So it seemed to him.

It really happened for sure in the 1960s. For this is not any joke, folks.

It really happened under the stars in our vain and destructive kingdom of meat (Video 1).

Video 1. Anthropogenic Hell: Homo insapiens world. Uploaded by Bacho Arabuli.

Promises were broken. The temptation was too strong.

Sometimes it frightened him. But he knew how to deal with it. Only for a short time, for after a while he was again longing for a forbidden piece of meat.

However, eventually his meat took all of his will.

Then “suddenly last summer” (Video 2).

Video 2. Suddenly Last Summer by The Motels. Uploaded by mediagod.

Once upon a time in a tiny town deep in the guts of South America there was a priest who was a real piece of fucking meat.

Although he was a priest, he had nothing to do with what priests  are supposed to do in their hope to please a god that is not made of meat, i.e. keeping the promise to keep away from meat for his meat.

It happened that this priest could not live without a piece of meat for his meat.

He did not keep standing still. He had to get his fill.

The truth of the matter is that his own piece of meat was the master of his own meat to the point that his meat was always looking for another piece of meat that was meat and meat that was not meat but was meat in order to satisfy his meat and his piece of meat.

This particular aberrant priest used to have meat for his meat at least twice or thrice a week.

He carried on doing his unpriestly trick for as long as he was the priest of his own domain full of other pieces of meat that were also consuming meat for their meat and meat for the other meat and that were also awfully afraid of going to hell after death, for they were addicted to the pleasures of meat.

This fucking priest used to get meat for his meat at night inside an expensive car that was obviously not made out of any human meat.

Once a night every week he used to spend at least two or three hours getting meat for his meat (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. A devil of a priest having his weekly meat. Cartoon by Gundhramns Hammer.

He went on like this until one day after five long years of getting plenty of meat he was transferred to another church to make him honour what he had promised when he became a priest.

He was supposed to be a shepherd of human sheep. He had been trained to teach people how to handle their daily troubles derived from their own lives of meat in a world teeming with human meat.

He had been prepared to believe by his own religion´s precepts that he was definitely not just a piece of meat.

Then suddenly one summer he had made more meat from his own meat.

It happened that he had already gotten pregnant at least five pieces of meat trying to put an end to his dreams of meat, for he could not live without meat for his meat and meat for his other piece of meat.

After all, it turned out that this priest was only a piece of fucking meat.

It also happened that he stood out in the crowds of human meat. He was a big chunk of walking meat.

Then suddenly one summer he was in a deep mess.

It happened that his meat fired by his meat for his piece of meat, for he only ate bloody meat, finally backfired and had produced five more pieces of meat out of his own fucking meat (Fig. 2).

Figura 2. A piece of meat out of the priest´s meat. Cartoon by Gundhramns Hammer.

By using his meat in secret trying to quench his insatiable heat, it happened that he proved to be only a fucking maker of bastard meat instead of being what he was supposed to be: A shining priest.

He tried this bit of a priest but he could not contain his fucking heat.

Notwithstanding, he always acted in public like a priest in order to get his meat.

But everybody in town knew of his big problems with his meat.

The women in the tiny town who had severely been punished by his meat used to say that he was a real devil of the meat in eternal heat.

Everybody in the town agreed that this creamy priest deserved eternal heat for his meaty tricks.

That his heat was consuming his own meat was widely known by the other pieces of meat that had been beat up by his evil meat, for those females who took his meat always ended up with new pieces of meat out of his piece of meat.

And, although he belonged to the upper crust, this priest never did anything to help his bastard pieces of meat!

He was a real creep!

Then suddenly everything ended. He had his last summer like this.

Because of his love affairs blessed by his heated meat, it happened that one day that he had to leave his town in a big hurry, for he was afraid that he was going to get a mighty beat by the furious husbands united to the taken pieces of meat.

So another priest was sent to the small town to take over the chores of the fucking creep that had once behaved just like a simple piece of meat instead of being a real priest.

Once the other priest was ready in his confessionary seat, the poor women who had been whipped to no end with so much meat by the other priest´s meat confessed to the new priest that they were now and forever afraid of getting more meat for fear of really ending up in hell without ever having any more meat for their meat.

What do you expect when people are ruled by their own meat?

It is a meat for meat world where people (Homo insapiens) have really no other reason but to be under the power of their meat for the sake of the pleasure of their own meat to appease for a short while the pains nailed in by their own meat.

What hope is there for such a world?

None whatsoever!

So ended the story of the devil of a priest of the meat.

Rumours had it and which went around for a long time in his former town that in his new domain this evil of a priest still continued with his secret quests and conquests of meat for his meat under the cover of a priest.

What a fucking priest!

And it happened one day that a peasant woman that had come down to the town to sell her produce in the city market wrapped up the whole business of this fucking priest by saying this:

  • With so many devils like this one dressed like a priest going around how in the fuck do you expect normal people to follow a priest?

Then another woman that was also in the market quickly added:

  • At least not all of them!

We fully concur.

See you later, alligators!

Source: Jessica´s Health Blog.


Uploaded by Reporte Marciano.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015


Source: Otro Mundo Es Posible.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
19 de junio de 2015

A los nicaragüenses, la oligarquía con su poderosa prensa ha lavado el cerebro para que crean que la construcción del Canal que atravesará todo el país les traerá bendiciones y acabará con la pobreza de una puta vez por todas.

Tal vez por este motivo, el mismo cardenal Miguel Ovando Bravo ha apoyado la construcción del Canal en Nicaragua y ha hecho un llamamiento al sufrido pueblo nicaragüense para apoyar semejante megaproyecto, el cual será construido por una poderosa empresa china, el HKND Group.

¿Por qué será? ¿Tendrá metidas las patas el Vaticano es este megaproyecto que costará US$50.000 millones o más?

Sólo Dios lo sabe. Y el sobrino del Papa.

Mon Capitaine, ¿qué podemos decir ante esta charade?

Bueno, mon ami, sólo hay que recordar que en Panamá, su tan cacareado Canal no ha acabado con la pobreza ni acabará con ella, de acuerdo a los expertos. 

En Panamá hay mucha gente "comiendo cables", es decir pasando hambre. 

Aproximadamente 4 de cada 10 panameños viven en extrema pobreza, según datos de la ONU

Entonces ¿dónde se queda la paja de que estos canales bendicen a la gente pobre?

Por supuesto, si bien es cierto que unos cuantos encuentran trabajo ya sea en la construcción o en el mantenimiento de estos canales, también es cierto que la mayor parte del pastel de estas rutas labradas de manera antibiosferica (joden el medio ambiente) y a base de dolor social (tierras expropiadas a los pobres) se lo llevan y llevarán al saco los miembros de la oligarquía, esos vampiros que chupan la sangre a estos pueblos centroamericanos (Video 1).

Video 1. Los más ricos de América Central. Uploaded by Salvatore Scimino.

Con o sin canal los pobres seguirán jodidos. 

Además, conviene que sigan jodidos. La pobreza para sacar riqueza en un gran negocio.

El problema no es que no tengan recursos para salir de la miseria sino que estas naciones están mal administradas, manejadas por pandillas de poderosos ladrones lameculos al servicio de grandes intereses internacionales. 

Su idea no es tu idea como tú tienes tu idea de salir de la miseria según tu idea sino que ellos tiene otra idea para joder tu idea de tal manera que te quedes sin tu idea y prevalezca sólo su idea.

Echémosle un vistazo a su idea (Video 2) y la idea que no es su idea (Videos 3-4):

Video 2. Inician obras del Canal de Nicaragua. Uploaded by El 19 Digital.

Video 3. El Canal de Nicaragua: realidad o estafa? Uploaded by Clubdeprensa ElPais.

Video 4. Nicaragua no quiero el canal (estafa). Uploaded by Juventud Rebelde Anti Sandinista.

Más información sobre el Canal de Nicaragua: aquí.

Mon Capitaine, ¿qué más puede decir?

Estos canales transoceánicos somos todos, mon ami. 

¿Cómo así?

Nuestro mierdero consumismo incansable y creciente demanda por más mierda internacional, por esos productos que pronto acaban desechados en el vertedero (Video 5), y lo cual está consumiendo y destruyendo la Biosfera del planeta, están al fondo de todo, mon ami.

Video 5. Muebles machacado por el camión de la basura: una prueba de la insostenibilidad del hombre (Homo insapiens). Uploaded by Dimola Bros.

Sólo queda una cosa que decir al unísono:
