miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015



By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
May 3, 2015
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Sometimes there is a time when a fucking creep comes out of humanity´s creepy sack in expansion.

And as fortune quite often conspires for the benefit of the evil side, thus it had happened this time of expansion.

This way a single bedroom expansion gave rise to a complex cellular expansion which would bring a lot of pain to other people set by fate along the way and also hoping to maximise their own expansions.

It was like a bad omen, for the day the newly arrived crying creep in the family was baptised in the neighbourhood´s church, the priest pooped in his unexpanded pants.

That day the child was stuck with the label of Jack Jerkoff for life, like his father who was another fucking event in the history of this expanding universe.

And in this universe, it seems everything is expanding.

So, soon Jack became a fucking black hole.

Jack was a terrible asshole at school. This jerk was always bullying around those he considered weaker than his own expansion. He needed no excuse to beat them to fucking dead pulp.

Mr. Peter Dickless, the man in charge of the school who was no longer a man, for a disease had chewed up his beloved manhood, never dared touching Jack Jerkoff.

In our modern society in expansion, creeps are rather pampered instead of weeding them out.

After all, creeps become good fodder for today´s ever expanding evil economic system. These devils are considered a good asset in today´s cannibalistic economy.

Thus, Peter Dickless ignored all of Jack´s expanding whittling or pulping around at school.

Perhaps it had to do with Peter´s secret which was no longer a secret.

Peter´s peter could no longer experience an expansion.

It was no secret at school that Peter´s time when Peter´s peter functioned as a man´s peter was history is his story of the history of those histories that never have a history even though they come up with a history without a history to have a history to make people feel they are worth a piece of shit in man´s shitty history.

In man´s universal expansion, as he kept expanding, Jack easily became slave of processed or junk diets, the developed crap being pushed down everybody´s gullet and expanding all over the planet.

Living in a globalised market, Jack pretty soon became a full master in the art of gobbling up meaty hamburgers, chicken breasts and pork sausages full of fucking crap.

So, before Jack finished his complete expansion, the tool that would allow his own DNA to expand in this universe in constant expansion, soon reached a point of no more expansion.

In a shot, Jack Jerkoff lost his balls.

Jerkoff was kaput. And he was only 15!!

Anyway, humanity´s gene pool would be better off without Jack´s genes to ooze around.

Poor Jack Jerkoff!!

That is what the surgeon probably thought in the operating room as he cut off Jack´s rotten nuts (Video 1).

Video 1. Fixing a 20 year old man´s package: Suffering  from chronic torsion testis.

Whatever went on inside Jack´s head faced up with his collapsing universe that fateful day remains unknown.

But one thing was known.

Jack had a friend.

Simon Screuingdall, Jack´s closest friend who knew how to contain Jack´s meaty loss in secret, perhaps out of his own ever expanding fear, was the only one who knew Jack´s secret.

Being a pothead, Simon soon confessed one day to his buddies that his friend Jack had told him that the school´s bull, i.e. Jack Jerkoff, felt terrible without his hot package.

What amounts to saying that Jack´s whole expanding universe had come to a complete halt when his balls were cut off.

And in a way it really did.

Can you imagine a 15 year-old nasty bully boy losing his pair of balls?

Or had Jack three nuts?

Only the chopping doctor knew this.

Maybe he did after all, for his parents had been on a junk food diet since day one along their corresponding timeline in expansion. So were Jack´s grandparents.

A junk or zombie food diet full of toxic crap is bound to cause mutations in the germ cells in the long run.

You do not need to be a mouse and rat torturing PhD expert stuck in a lab to come to this conclusion.

This kind of stuffing with junk food your body and intoxicating beyond repair your own load of gut microbiota is not good at all. 

It is a sure way to becoming a homegrown ET alien sooner or later. 

If not in this generation, humans will be in the coming ones for sure.


Because something is collapsing down under and inwards. 

Men´s manly universe is now collapsing

It is happening now. Men are losing their DNA gamete making machines which allow them to expand their crap at their own time on Earth.

If you are a “normal” man, a plain zombie in the crowd, a simple moronic head of human cattle who is egocentric as hell and has not learn yet a damn thing of how to deal with his own expanding hell in his head, how would you deal with this deal that would take away your wheeling and dealing sperm machine?

Being so, if you lost your balls, how would you feel?

How about men in their 30 or 40s dropping off their balls on their way running downhill?

How do you think they feel?

Happy? Unhappy? Lousy? Suicidal? Crazy?

It seems fiction but is not a fiction.

Men are really losing their beloved balls around the world.

It is happening, folks.

Men´s manly expanding universe is now collapsing.

Cancer is chewing up their testicles.

Men in the 15-44 age range are falling prey to testicular cancer (Znaor et al., 2014), especially in “developed” nations.

Testicular cancer is highest in those countries that score from high to higher on the Human Developed Index (HDI), according to Znaor et al. (2014).

Keep in mind that HDI means not what they tell you it means but really means: Living in a country where more developed, invented or man-made crap is consumed despite all of the seal of “health approved for human consumption”, “green” or “sustainable” mambo jumbo bullshit.

And also, overall and above all, the fact that humans (Homo insapiens) are truly living in a world of ever expanding contamination of their own making.

Znaor et al. (2014) explains that “Northern Europe remains the highest TC incidence area, with the highest rates observed in Norway and Denmark.”

The same investigators (Znaor et al., 2014) show evidence that the “incidence rates continue to increase in most countries worldwide, more markedly in Southern Europe and Latin America, while attenuating in Northern Europe, the United States, and Australia.”

Now you know.

You boys… Don´t go around unwillingly cracking your nuts. Hit the veggies hard. At least this way you will keep your nuts longer.

And you girls, don´t forget: You have nuts too. The real things, for let us face it, men´s testicles are, from the developmental or embryological perspective, nothing but masculinised chinastes (ovaries).

We now know that in humans, the first sex is always female. 

And if everything goes on alright during development, it is not only under the influence of the Y-chromosome when the embryo changes into a male.

So play it safe too. Dig veggies as well to keep your eggs healthier. At least, a little bit longer.

And for Earth´s sake, never forget to be kind and respectful to Mother Nature. She is the Mother of our own mothers.

It really is fucking stupid to be otherwise.

Wake up! Don´t be a fucking moron!

Finally, if you want to soak up with Znaor et al. (2014)´s publication to learn more about TC global trends, go to the references below.


Shanahan C. & Shanahan L. (2008). Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Big Box Books, Lawai, HI, USA. 322 pp.

Znaor A., Lortet-Tieulent J., Jemal A. & Bray F. (2014). International Variations and Trends in Testicular Cancer Incidence and Mortality. European Urol., 654: 1095-1106.

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